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Transgender voice training has become more popular as more transgender people are coming forward and finally adjusting themselves to the gender they feel is true for them.

At TG Voice Therapy, a transgender voice training practice, we often get many patients who look for help as they are getting ready to transition their body and voice for their new gender. One of the many services we provide is FtM voice training. Female-to-Male, most commonly known as FtM, requires practice as you are retraining your voice to take on the new gender.


transgender voice training

If you are transitioning or planning to transition, chances are you need to take testosterone. Testosterone helps decrease the pitch in your voice in the first 6-12 months of taking it. For some, this may take longer. If you are just starting voice training, you may experience hoarseness or throat discomfort in the first couple of months. It is important to note that any sort of decrease in pitch is permanent, whether or not you continue to be on testosterone. Individuals benefit greatly from voice training during this time as they can learn non-pitch skills and how to “tune” their voice once the testosterone starts taking effect and your voice starts to deepen.

Voice Training

transgender voice training

Transgender voice training is especially important if you are trying to transition, especially from FtM. It helps with vocal quality, such as making your voice sound less harsh and hoarse. Just because you are transitioning to male doesn’t mean your voice should sound rough. It should sound full and connected. Additionally, voice training helps with articulation. Some transmasculine individuals tend to have a hard time articulating as they try to make their voice sound lower. An experienced voice trainer will assist in helping you focus on speaking clearly and moving your mouth so you are able to articulate better.

About TG Voice Therapy

TG Voice Therapy provides transgender voice training. We have been helping the transgender community with various services such as vocal masculinization and feminization as well as pitch and resonance control. Visit us to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our company. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more details.