transgender voice training

Being a better friend to trans people is something that everyone should strive to do including transgender voice therapy.

At TG Voice Training, we not only provide useful services such as transgender voice training, but also work to educate others. This pride month, however, make it your mission to educate yourself on how you can help the LGBTQ community. Chances are someone you know is part of this community. If you support them and wish to speak up for them, this makes you an ally. 

Do Not Assume Anything

A lot of times it is hard to tell if someone is even transgender.  It can often time be hard to pick one out of a crowd, and it would be weird if someone did that.  There is no specific look or transgender voice training that is picked out to identify a transgender individual.  There can be a trans individual at any type of event.

transgender voice training

Orientation vs. Gender

It’s extremely important not to confuse sexual orientation with gender.  Sexual orientation is about the gender you find attractive, while gender is a decision made by the individual how they see themselves.


Pronouns are something that is a major topic in the transgender community.  The best way to tell what a transgender person’s pronoun is is to see what their friends say.  It is important to be polite when talking about this since it is somewhat of a sensitive subject.  The best tip is to not make the situation awkward. Just don’t make the situation more uncomfortable than it needs to be.

Respect Their Preferences

transgender voice training

A lot of transgender people have issues with what their given birth name was.  It signifies the old life that they used to live rather than the new journey they have begun.  It is just a general rule of thumb to respect a transgender person’s preferences.


When becoming transgender, there is a lot of questioning that comes with it.  It is important to let the individual go on their journey without any obstacles to hurdle over.  They may even change their mind at the end.

Avoid Criticism

Never criticize a transgender person during their journey.  Especially do not say anything regarding transgender voice training.  These things can be very destructive and destroy a transgender person’s self-esteem.

Stand Up For Trans People

Don’t forget to stand up for transgender people.  It takes all kinds of voices to stand up for trans people and sometimes it means more coming from someone who is not trans. These people need support on their journey, not put down.

About TG Voice Therapy

TG Voice Therapy leads the way in transgender voice training for the greater Los Angeles area.  It can be a scary thing, but TG Voice Therapy is here to help with all voice therapy needs.  You can contact TG Voice Therapy via their website or give them a call at (323) 954 0887. Follow them on Facebook for more info!