transgender voice training

Transgender voice training is often sought when individuals are not satisfied with their voice and how they communicate with others.

Unfortunately, transgender people most commonly face this issue. There are various reasons why but most of the time, transgender voice training is sought to gain confidence. These issues affect their day-to-day life and it is important to understand what they’re going through.

Why Communication Is Important

Communication is a key element in everyone’s life. As human beings, our nature is to communicate and talk with others. In order to comfortably engage and interact with others, you have to be comfortable in your own skin. Confidence allows someone to voice their opinions or to even hold eye contact. However, for transgender people, this is most often than not a struggle. Social skills can be affected by a lack of confidence in their voice or appearance, and also due to a fear of, or an actual experience of prejudice or judgment from others. 

transgender voice training

Voice Dysphoria

One of the main reasons that communication is harder for transgender people, is many of them often face voice dysphoria. To some, hearing their voice makes them feel more self-conscious and not want to talk in public settings at all. Similar to how some people have an adverse reaction to hearing their own voices in recordings, some individuals feel this way just from hearing their voice real-time.

Most often, they undergo voice surgeries that allow their voice pitch to match the gender they truly are. Not every transgender person is this lucky to be able to afford this surgery. This is when transgender voice training is useful and convenient for those who need help with vocal masculinization or feminization.

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About TG Voice Therapy:

TG Voice Therapy provides transgender voice training in Los Angeles. We are committed to being a source of help for transgender people who seek vocal masculinization/feminization, articulation, communication, etc. You can contact us here for any comments or appointments. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter for more details!